
Consortia Bio Fertilizer

Choose Consortia That suits your Requirement

Macro + Micro Nutrient + VAM Consortia

All in one consortia suitable for all crops and their needs.

Micro Nutrient + VAM Consortia

Consortia enriched with mycorrhiza to mobilized micronutrient from soil.

NPK + VAM Consortia

Consortia enriched with mycorrhiza to enable macro nutrient from soil to plant.

Macro + Micro Nutrient Consortia

Consortia to fulfill the macro and nutrient needs of crop.

Micro Nutrient Consortia

Consortia to fulfill the micro nutrient needs of crop.

NPK Consortia

Consortia to fulfill nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium needs of crop.

Nitrogen Fixing Consortia

Consortia consists of all types of Nitrogen fixing bacteria.

PSB + KMB Consortia

Consortia to mobilize Phosphorous and Potassium from soi.

Let's Bring Nature Into Your Lovely Farm